• 作者: Vasia
  • 来源:
  • 日期: 2013-08-29
  • 浏览次数: 3220

巴西海关自2013年5月6日起执行名为1.356/2013号令,针对5月6日后抵达巴西境内的货物实行新的放货政策,船公司及码头或失去对于正本MB/L放货的操控,意为 即使发货人持有全套MB/L正本提单,收货人亦可直接提货。


Please be informed that Normative Instruction from Federal Revenue of  Brazil No. 1.356/2013 ( "IN 1356")  that came in force on May 6th, 2013, has promoted substantial changes in the procedures related to the Customs  clearance and delivery of goods, exempting the Importer/Consignee of presenting the Original B/L  "OBL"  for releasing of cargo.


As a consequence of this new scenario, from now on cargoes to Brazil can be released without the presentation of OBL. This means that an Importer will be able to remove the cargo from the bonded warehouse even if the OBL is in the shipper´s hand.


    " Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Merchant agrees that if this Bill of Lading provides for delivery of the Goods at a port in Brazil, discharge of the Goods to any port authority at such port shall constitute due delivery hereunder and all liability of the Carrier whatsoever in connection with the Goods (including without limitation for misdelivery) shall cease at that time. Carrier shall not be responsible for delivery of cargo without the presentation of the Original Bill of Lading, as Brazilian Customs Regulations"

同时,我司提醒各订舱代理及货主货代的相关操作人员 ,对于出口到巴西的货物务必预先做好防范措施,以避免由放货新政带来的损失。








  親愛的客戶 您好  

近日許多客戶詢問 巴西海關進口提單清關新規一事,接獲我司總部與目地港資訊如下,轉發廣大客戶參考

根據巴西海關規定1356/2013, 從五月五日起, 巴西海關針對收貨人(綠色通關者), 清關時將不再需要提供正本提單.
巴西海關將針對運費證明收取進口稅, 但不要求收貨人實際出示提單. 據此, 清關完畢後, 碼頭也將不需要正本提單即可放貨.

巴西聖保羅 海運代理協會正嘗試要求更改此規定, 但截至目前為止, 此新規定仍未有任何更動.

鑒於上述情況, 為了保護我們寶貴的客戶們免於潛在的貿易風險或糾紛, 我們強烈建議客戶出貨前先確認貨款無虞.
同時, 提醒各位客戶, 根據本公司提單條款第25條, 航商在遵守法律規定的情況下, 無單放貨是免責的.
若有任何詢問或此規定的進一步消息, 歡迎與我們聯絡.

Per the Instruction 1.356/2013, from 05/05/2013, the Brazilian Customs Authority has indicated that cargo receivers (with green lights) are no longer required to submit the original Bill of Lading in order to obtain the release into their custody of cargo in bonded spaces. Henceforth, customs authorities shall check only the collection of taxes on imported goods, but they won’t require the consignee to physically present the B/L.
The Brazilian port terminals are also no longer obliged to require submission of the original BL in order to deliver the goods to the importer/consignee.

The Union of Maritime Agents of Sao Paulo and its Federation are trying to change this new legislation, so far unsuccessful.

Under these conditions and in attempt to reduce the trading risk and to avoid potential disputes, we strongly suggest our valued customers collecting payment of goods before arranging shipments. At the meantime, kindly remind all clients that according to clause 25 of our Bill of Lading, the Carrier will not be responsible for any claim due to delivery of cargo without original bill of lading.
Shall you have any inquiries or further updates of this new rule, please feel free to contact us.

25. Notification and Delivery
(4) Where the Carrier delivers the Goods to person(s) charged by the law, custom, or usage of the port with the duty to receive the Goods and distribute them to the Merchant, the same shall constitute due delivery under this Bill and thereupon the liability of the Carrier in respect of the Goods shall entirely cease.

綠色即報關貨物可全部免檢,並自動通關 (現今不需提供正本清關)
黃色即僅檢查報送檔,若被核實,貨物則自動通關 (現今仍需提供正本清關,此外,過去海關會保留正本,如今不用。)

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